
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to reality, whoops there goes gravity....

It is 4:22 in the AM and I have to get up for class in 3 hours. I can't sleep. What the crap?
Might as well blog...

Well, its that time of year again. The thirst for knowledge is in the air once again in Logan, UT. Perhaps not for everyone, but it is for me. Honestly, I never thought I would actually crave to be in school in my entire life. But I guess being out of a formal education for 4 years can do that for a person. If I stop and think about it, a part of me does feel a little lame for being a 23 year old freshman. Especially when most of my friends have been done with their undergrad for a few years and are off to bigger and better things. Some might say that I have been off doing bigger and better things and now I'm back to reality and slowing down a bit. I suppose I have always done things a little backwards. Ah well... It works for me. And luckily I married someone who is the same way so we are in this backwards boat together.

Even though I have loved the wanna be vagabond life, it does feel good to have a little structure. Chris and I finally got jobs, if you can believe it. Chris is working at an at risk youth center for boys in Brigham City (which he loves) and I got hired as the massage therapist at a local holistic health center called Divine Health and Home. I am also have massage clients separate from the health center. I even have business cards! I am so profesh. So if any of you out there needs a know who to call.....(its me, in case didn't catch on to my subtle plea for business). And we started school today. Both of us full time students. Hazzah!

So, life is good. Busy. A little overwhelming, but in a good way. And now I shall try to fit some sleepies in before its too late.


jessica said...

There's nothing wrong with doing things a little backwards...

I miss you too! I will be in Utah next month for the women's broadcast. I will be in touch so we can see each other and I can finally meet Chris!

Good luck with school! And if I were there I would totally be handing out your business cards. I'd even put a decal on my car for you because I love you that much!

KG said...

I love the Backwards Boat... wasn't that a campy 1970's beach romp TV show?

jo said...

dearest ro, i need your phone #! it is time for you to see me...we are having a baby belly party. luves