Tis' the season to do Christmasy-type things, so we started by getting our own tree!! We named it Casone because (as you can see in the picture above) our dear friends Jon and Casey helped us pic it out. They came up from SLC to visit us a few weeks ago and it was a grand ol' time.
We made veggie burgers from scratch and they were TO DIE FOR!!! Oh the meatless goodness...
But nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit more that kissing a camel! This old barn in Hyrum hosted a live Nativity. It was pretty neat. Petting the animals was my favorite part.
And then there were ward and family Christmas parties this past week, which for some reason I have no pictures of... But they were alot of fun. The whole lot of Chris's family got together at an elementary school in Springville, UT. All 11 kids. Most of which have spouses and babies. We ate good food, exchange presents, and played some intense dodgeball. Only a few minor injuries and one pair of torn pants. I really love Chris's family. They are so fun. I'm so glad that we get along so well with eachother's families. Such a blessing.
And speaking of families, we are going to Fargo Rock City, North Dakota on tuesday! Oh, boy. I can't even wait. It's wierd that when I gradutated high school I moved to Utah and never wanted to go back. But since then, I have moved back to Fargo two or three times and I look oh so forward to every visit. Crazy how that is. But its home. And I miss it. And my family is amazing and they make me laugh so hard. I can't wait to see them.
Until next time... Randi out.